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You are not alone, help is at hand! Here are our tips on finding support with a Mentor: Hopefully you have been appointed a good mentor. If so, draw on their knowledge and expertise as […]
Don’t burn out Here are our strategies for creating a good work-life balance as a teacher: 1. Set personal boundaries and stick to them. This will be different for every teacher but could include never […]
Get off to a good start with good classroom and behaviour management Here are our strategies for managing pupil behaviour: 1. Set clear rules and boundaries from day one and stick to them. 2. Write […]
We’ve all been here before… Here’s some advice for when you’re preparing for your next interview: The first 30 seconds count – make clear eye contact, firm handshake Do your homework on the Employer – […]
It’s no secret that the first year as an NQT is challenging. And there’s no escaping the stories about how demanding a teacher’s life can be. But beginning your teaching career shouldn’t feel like you’re […]
Are we Setting up NQTs for success? NQTs need more support if we are to solve the teacher recruitment crisis The education sector spends millions attracting newcomers to the teaching profession and then training them […]
Secondary Schools struggling to recruit Teachers spend almost £6 million on re-advertising It’s no secret that schools are facing a recruitment crisis. And as secondary schools in England and Wales struggle to recruit quality teachers, […]
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